Private mentorship

the odds of you becoming human were 1 in 400 trillion...
you're already more than worthy.

So what would happen if you went all in on shaping who you were

Not just achieving your goals, but on becoming the leader you were born to be, creating the movement you were born to create and having the impact you were meant to have?

What would happen if you worked not just on the outcome, but on becoming the version of you without the shame and guilt, a leader who can stand embodied in responsibility, trustworthiness, magnetism, pride, joy and everything else she wants to feel?

What if instead of hiring a coach to get a result, we prioritized identity based transformation plus the lifestyle shifts needed to foster our own evolution and growth to actively create what we desire?

born to become?

Over the last decade refined and embodied the work of creating the life we were born to live. I have faced the depths of my failures, mistakes, shame, guilt and unworthiness, stripping down to nothing until the only choice was to walk with God to become the person who can hold the magnitude of my purpose. 

The woman I am today is the reflection of the work I've done on my identity.

The life I live today is a reflection of the actions I take daily.

The business I have today is a reflection of the work and the action, pairing both with the purpose and the understanding that I am worthy just by being born, and the decision to have impact over all else.

What if you too could have all that you desire in life, health, prosperity, business, faith, confidence, relationships, well being and more?

Work with me isn't just practical strategy paired with business growth, it's an identity evolution fueled by the question : 

Are you bold enough to deepen your relationship with yourself, peeling back the layers and facing all of what needs to be refined to become the version of you that has the impact, lifestyle, business and impact you desire?

Accelerate your business growth with bespoke strategies that leverage your unique strengths, positioning you as a leader in your industry

Business Growth

Experience somatic healing with Alex and each call release the energetic blocks in your body keeping stuck where you are now

Somatic Healing

Elevate your communication skills to build meaningful connections, influence outcomes, and articulate your vision with clarity and confidence

Communication Skills

Master energetic tools to optimize your lifestyle ensuring every decision and action comes from a place of aligned action


Curate a lifestyle that epitomizes success, blending luxury and practicality in a way that supports your goals and ambitions


Learn the formula of embodied manifestation, pairing actions with identity to achieve tangible goals and move the needle in your work

Embodied Manifestation

This is where the magic happens. The evolution of your authentic self, empowering you to lead and live without limits

Inner Identity Work

Transform your daily routine into a powerhouse with nutrition, wellness and biohacking strategies tailored just for you

Wellness + Biohacking

Holistic mentorship takes on an entirely new meaning at Enriched : 

This is more than growth; it’s a redefinition of what personal and professional success looks like, tailored to the finest detail to meet the needs of those who will settle for nothing less than complete transformation


Dive deep with a half-day intensive, a concentrated session designed to jumpstart your journey in wellness and self-actualization, perfect for busy leaders looking to make significant progress in minimal time.

Half day intensive


Everything you experience in private mentorship with a 2 day in person intensive in NYC, Montreal, Lisbon or San Diego. From in person coaching to spa days, fine dining and luxury accommodations, it really is about the best of the best.   



Transformation like you've never experienced before. 6 weeks walking side by side, moving you beyond your boundaries and unlocking your next level identity, lifestyle, and business.

private mentorship

High end. High touch. High reward.

private mentorship has impact

With over a decade of experimentation and refined expertise in wellness, business growth, and holistic living, Alex has dedicated her career to crafting unique, cutting-edge solutions for those ready to live at their peak potential. Her approach is deeply unique, born from her own journey and guided from experiences in mentorship ranging from biohacking to advanced leadership training. Alex’s commitment to excellence and her relentless pursuit of optimal living have not only shaped her into a sought-after mentor and speaker but have also established her as a trusted guide for high-performing individuals who seek not just success, but a profound, enriched lifestyle. Through her private mentorship, Alex offers more than just coaching; she offers a redefined and optimized life where every aspect is elevated.

your transformation catalyst and mentor.

Meet Alex,

You are not just any leader. You are a curator of lifestyle, a leader in business, and an avid wellness junkie. You seek more than just improvement; you are after a complete transformation that aligns with the high standards of integrity, sophistication, and impact that define leaders like you. 

333 is more than just private mentorship—it's your next step towards mastering the art of living exceptionally. 

Your Transformation Journey Includes:

1. Tailored Excellence: Bi-weekly one-on-one calls that dive deep into your unique challenges and aspirations perfectly suited to your personal and professional life. Mentorship with Alex isn't like anything you've experienced before. Calls are more like half day intensives centered around identity based transformation, somatic healing, habit and lifestyle formation and business growth. "

"Alex takes a nothing held back approach to private mentorship, she rolls up her sleeves and is like the puppetmaster behind the curtain of the most successful version of you." — Emily

2. Continuous Support: The only way to receive messaging support with Alex is through 333. Alex believes in messaging done differently. Nothing held back, nothing off limits. Dealing with a team crisis? Alex will coach you through it in real time. Triggering conversation that you can't move through? Alex jumps in somatically. Buying butter at the store but don't know which one? Alex has you covered.

"Alex gives more in her messaging than anyone else I've ever worked with. Having this kind of support has been a game changer. Messaging with her alone is work $10K where with over mentors I'd value it closer to a $500 added bonus. 333 has completely transformed my life and I recommend her to anyone truly ready to up level their life." — Mari

3. Comprehensive Growth: From wellness and biohacking to business growth and communication skills, "333" covers all facets of personal and professional development. Expect breakthroughs in areas like:

-Wellness + Biohacking: Optimize your physical and mental health for peak performance.
- Energetics: Recalibrate your energy to serve your highest goals.
- Inner Identity Work: Transform who you are at your core.
- Somatic Healing: Release and overcome the physical of past traumas, stuck energy and blocks.
- Embodied Manifestation: Learn to manifest not only through thought but through being.
- Lifestyle: Upgrade your daily lifestyle actions to reflect your aspirations and achievements.
- Communication Skills: Enhance your influence with impeccable communication strategies.
- Business Growth: Scale your impact in ways that feel deeply authentic and profoundly effective.

Private Mentorship:
The Six-Week Journey to Your Peak

Welcome to "333" - The Pinnacle of Personal Transformation

In a world where the pursuit of excellence is often drowned out by the noise of the everyday, "333" offers a space to focus on your aspirations. Designed exclusively for visionary women like you—
who lead, inspire, and transform—this six-week journey is tailored to redefine what you believe is possible,
both personally and professionally.

Unlock Your Potential | Transform Your Life | Achieve Your Dreams

"333" is for the visionary, the leader, and the innovator ready to take their life and career to new heights. If you're prepared to commit to a transformative journey, welcome to Enriched. 

"333" is for the woman who is already on her path of influence and success but knows that there is a higher level and is done with investing in cookie cutter mentorship with coaches that just regurgitate information.

The established leader, the ambitious entrepreneur, the creative innovator who is beginning to realize her lifestyle, habits and actions outside of her business are either contributing to her success or contributing what's preventing the growth she desires.

Those who have spent years "healing" without impact on the results they desire.

Those desiring the whole picture mentor, someone who takes a holistic approach to personal growth, integrating identity transformation with lifestyle and wellness enhancements to accelerate the realization of their goals PLUS knows how to scale businesses like no other.

If you follow thought leaders like Victoria Washington, Melanie Ann Layer, Jamie Kern Lima, and Julianne Hough, and you're obsessed with platforms like the Skinny Confidential, Melissa Wood Health, and Goop, you're in the right place.

If you're ready to revolutionize your pantry, fridge and cabinets, filling them with loose leaf teas (who wants the micro plastics from tea bags anyway), One Place non toxic, non stick pans, and only the organic ingredients your body needs to thrive, welcome to mentorship with Alex.

Those who have a connection with God and know you're meant for more.

Beginners in Personal Development
If you're just starting your journey into personal growth and self-improvement, "333" may be too advanced. This program assumes a foundational understanding and practice in personal development.

Those Looking for Quick and Easy Fixes
"333" is crafted for those who understand that true transformation requires identity transformation which takes a commitment to deep inner work and the time to make change. If you're searching for immediate results or overnight success, this mentorship is unlikely to meet your expectations.

Passive Participants
Alex walks beside you on your journey, opening doors and willing to walk as far as you want to go, but she does not fix or lead you to places you're not willing to go. Private mentorship is tailored for individuals who are ready to dive deep, take action, and apply what they learn. If you prefer a more passive approach to learning and development, the Embodied Manifestation Workshop is perfect for you to apply your learnings at your own pace.

Those Hesitant to Invest in Themselves
With a significant investment level, "333" is a premium offering. It’s intended for those who recognize and are willing to invest in high-quality, intensive personal and professional development.

Those Unwilling to Challenge Themselves
"333" is all about pushing boundaries and stepping out of comfort zones. If you are not open to challenging your existing beliefs and habits, this mentorship space will not align with your needs.

Those who just want to make more money in business and don't want to have conversations about what they eat, how they exercise, if they're sleeping enough and the kinds of clothes they're wearing. If you're about to tell me you don't have the time to take care of yourself outside of your business, private mentorship is not for you.

Who Should Join 333?

Who is 333 Not For?

Have questions you want to ask before we jump on a call?

Oh we are so stoked! Stay on the lookout, we will be in touch soon!